Mad Doctor's Cookbook - "BruteHEAL", "BERZERK” and many others combat stims/combat healing medicines and similar recipes

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Mad Doctor's Cookbook - "BruteHEAL", "BERZERK” and many others combat stims/combat healing medicines and similar recipes

Post by Ms.Degrasse » 08 May 2016, 04:37

Mad Doctor's Cookbook - "BruteHEAL", "BERZERK” and many others combat stims/combat healing medicines and similar recipes.

On this post I will describe my character's recipes and manufacturing methods.
Mind that this guide is intended to for researchers, doctors or CMOs (people with full access and in roles allowed to use to the chem labs on medbay).
The instructions are in depth, serving well for veterans and even players who aren’t good on chemistry.

You are free to use the information here, to modify the recipes and names in-game and even to come up with alternative recipes.
Feel free to post your's here too.

"BruteHEAL Field Healing pills"

An effective and helpful combat healing medicine developed by Erika 'Hunter' Degrasse if assigned to medbay's roles (character/roleplay wise, on this case she is a retired marine – so she knows how harsh combat situations can be and cares a lot about the marines ;) ).

The pill’s effect is the healing of all damage types, enhanced healing of brute damage, painkiller effect and stabilization if critically injuried.

It’s a quite easy to use and safe pill containing a combination of 20 units of tricordrazine, 20 of bicaridine, 10 of tramadol and 10 of inaprovaline.
BruteHEAL is intended to be taken right before entering dangerous combat situations or after getting seriously injuried – basically it will extend your character’s durability.

You can safely swallow a second pill AFTER your character's levels of tricordrazine and bicaridine are lowered to 10 or less units in bloodstream - otherwise you will suffer an overdose on those components and receive toxic damage.

Lifespan of the components in one pill?
Bicaridine, Tricordrazine and inaprovaline –> 200 seconds.
Tramadol –> 1000 seconds (a little more than 16 minutes), but mind the overdose is when you reach more than 30 units (the tramadol in three of those pills can’t hurt you).


- Grab some empty pill bottles, a large beaker (may use the one from grinder) and the bluespace beaker.
- Put the large beaker on chem dispenser. Dispense the following chems:
-- 20 units of oxygen, carbon and sugar (turns into inaprovaline) then 20 units of ethanol and oxygen (turns this into 120 unit of tramadol).
- Eject this beaker, keep it in your pocket, and on the bluespace beaker dispense those:
-- 30 units of oxygen, carbon and sugar (this makes 90 units of inaprovaline).
-- 10 unit of nitrogen, potassium and silicon (turns into dylovene and this reacts with 30u of inaprovaline forming 60 units of tricordrazine).
-- 30 units of carbon (turns 30 u of inaprovaline into 60 units of bicaridine)
*30 units of inaprovaline will remain unchanged
- Eject the bluespace beaker, transfer 30 units of the tramadol into it and put the bluespace beaker on the chem-master. Also load in a pill bottle. (Name the pill bottle “BruteHEAL” for avoiding confusion.)
- Now you will create pills with 20 units of tricordrazine, 20 of bicaridine, 10 of tramadol and 10 of inaprovaline. (Optional: Name the pills “BruteHEAL (20Tric.20Bica.10Tram.10Inap)”. Mind that Ctrl-c Ctrl-V helps you naming pills multiple times.) – Best method is transferring enough units for two pills, creating those in “multiple pills mode” then crafting a single pill with the rest of chems.
- Rinse and repeat, until you have a good number of pills. Distribute those to the marines (don’t forget to advise them about the correct pill usage).

“BERZERK Combat Stim Pills”

Sadako Voorhees’s signature extreme combat stim. Gives a serious boost to pain endurance and load bearing when you take only one pill.
Beware this is also a deathly drug when two pills are taken at the same time.
(Of course it was her favourite stealth poisoning method… – It always looked like a sad accident. :P )

The pill’s effect is a long lasting and powerful double painkiller effect (nothing short of extreme blood loss or death can stop you) and the removal of “debuffs” (load bearing or similar) affecting your walking/running speed.

This long lasting, amazing and quite dangerous drug cocktail is composed of 25 units of tramadol, 20 of oxycodone and 15 of hyperzine.
Take one pill after you know you may face danger in battle.
NEVER take a second pill before your character metabolizes all the oxycodone and hyperzine and at least 20 units of the tramadol in the body.

Lifespan of the components in one pill?
Tramadol -> 2500 seconds (almost 42 minutes).
Oxycodone -> 2000 seconds (almost 33 minutes).
Hyperzine -> 1000 seconds (almost 17 minutes).


- Grab some empty pill bottles, two large beakers (may use the one from grinder) and the bluespace beaker.
- Put the large beaker on chem dispenser. Dispense the following chems:
-- 20 units of oxygen, carbon and sugar (turns into inaprovaline) then 20 units of ethanol and oxygen (turns this into 120 unit of tramadol).
- Eject and place those in your pockets.
- Now stuff the bluespace beaker on the all-in-one grinder, and grind ONE phoron sheet into it.
-- Subsequently use the chem-master with the bluespace beaker for removing all but 5 units of the phoron. (Bottle the unused units for use in another recipes.)
- Transfer 180 units of tramadol into the bluespace beaker.
- Now place the bluespace beaker in the chem dispenser and dispense those chems:
-- 80 units of ethanol (will turn 80 units of tramadol into 80 of oxycodone).
-- 20 units of Sulphur, Phosphorous and Sugar (those make 60 units of hyperzine).
- Eject the bluespace beaker and place it on the chem-master.
Also load in a pill bottle. (Use the labeler on pill bottle and name it “BERZERK” for avoiding confusion.)
- Now you will create the pills with 25 units of tramadol, 20 of oxycodone and 15 of hyperzine. (Optional: Name the pills “BERZERK Tram20u.Oxyc25u.hype15u”. Mind that Ctrl-c Ctrl-V helps you naming pills multiple times.) – Transfer half of the chems, create TWO pills in “multiple pills mode” and repeat it.
- Keep going, until you have a good number of pills.
Distribute those to the marines, but WARN THEM about how the pill work and it’s dangers.

“Synthetic Blood - in pills or for intravenous use”

Are you out of conventional blood?
Or you want to treat light to mild cases of blood loss with an alternative so you can spare the blood for those really needing it?
Here is a simple recipe for a blood substitute that can be administered intravenously or even through pills.

It work by providing nutriment and iron in the same package (two blood regenerating chems) – so it maxes-out the rate of blood regeneration.


- Get a lot of food from cafeteria. (Satchels of protein substitute are the best ones for this recipe, each have 10 units of nutriment in it, but any food can do. Also it’s a good idea to carry extra backpacks by hand for transporting more food.).
- Grab the bluespace beaker. Optionally get pill bottles too if you are going to do it in pills.
- Put the bluespace beaker on the all-in-one grinder, and grind a lot of food until you have 150 units of Nutriment in it. (If you get more than units, dump those in a large beaker.)
- Eject the bluespace beaker, place in the chem dispenser and dispense 150 units of iron into it.
- Now take the beaker to the chem master, and create bottles with 30 units of Nutriment and 30 of Iron. Name them “Synthetic Blood Nutr.&Iron”.
Those bottles can be attached to IV drips and administered to the patients.
(Or alternatively, create pills. – They work really great too.)

P.S.: If you found any error on this guide, contact me for fixing it.
Last edited by Ms.Degrasse on 08 May 2016, 17:15, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mad Doctor's Cookbook - "BruteHEAL", "BERZERK” and many others combat stims/combat healing medicines and similar rec

Post by DesFrSpace » 08 May 2016, 05:24

That one round Doctoring with 30u of Bicardrine, totaly heal the pains, by being in pains.

So worth the "STRONG PAIN KILLER" labeled on the pills. Ended up limiting it to 10 u.


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Re: Mad Doctor's Cookbook - "BruteHEAL", "BERZERK” and many others combat stims/combat healing medicines and similar rec

Post by Derpislav » 08 May 2016, 06:55

Sugar doesn't regenerate blood, only nutriment does.
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Re: Mad Doctor's Cookbook - "BruteHEAL", "BERZERK” and many others combat stims/combat healing medicines and similar rec

Post by Ms.Degrasse » 08 May 2016, 17:13

Derpislav wrote:Sugar doesn't regenerate blood, only nutriment does.
Thanks. ^^ I updated the recipe.

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Re: Mad Doctor's Cookbook - "BruteHEAL", "BERZERK” and many others combat stims/combat healing medicines and similar rec

Post by Artouris » 08 May 2016, 19:19

Don't forget you can put chems in cigarettes!

My brew of Ranger Special Cigs is always

5u Tricord
5u Tramadol
3u Bicard
2u Hyperzine
1u of Dylvone

Cigs have a maxcap of 15u of chems in them. Use 'em wisely

Also another which is Manly Co. Cigs was
5u Tramadol
5u Hyperzine
3u Kelotane
2u Bicard

They're pretty robust if you smoke them the whole time. A flat out 15u tricord cig in pre-alpha actually brought me back from almost a white screen (near death) back to enough health to stand up and shit.

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Re: Mad Doctor's Cookbook - "BruteHEAL", "BERZERK” and many others combat stims/combat healing medicines and similar rec

Post by Disco Dalek » 08 May 2016, 20:42

Just wanted to mention a few of the classics


5u Kelotane
5u Dermaline

You could make it 10u each, but I prefer having more control over the dosage.

Peridaxon Plus:

5u Peridaxon
5u Dexalin Plus

What punctured lung? Also may cause medics to fall in love with you.


5u Bicaridine
5u Tricordrazine

Both Dermatane and Bicardrazine go well with some tramadol mixed in, but I'm not willing to try to add that into the name.

And now for my own little blend


5u Peridaxon
5u Dexalin Plus
5u Dermaline
10u Bicaridine
5u Oxycodone
5u Tramadol
5u Tricordrazine
5u Spaceacillin
4u Kelotane
5u Inaprovaline
4u Hyronalin
1u Hyperzine
1u Ryetalyn

Just try to die after taking that, I dare you. You can even take two without risk of OD if you want overpill overkill. Go easy on the poisons though.

Edited due to Hyperzine's OD being reduced to 2u.
Last edited by Disco Dalek on 19 May 2016, 19:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mad Doctor's Cookbook - "BruteHEAL", "BERZERK” and many others combat stims/combat healing medicines and similar rec

Post by Varnock » 09 May 2016, 03:15

I love everything about this thread.

Also: Tramabicardrazine and Dermatramatane?

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Re: Mad Doctor's Cookbook - "BruteHEAL", "BERZERK” and many others combat stims/combat healing medicines and similar rec

Post by Shadowling1232 » 12 May 2016, 11:40

Old Old Old trick.

About to die of lack of O2?

Dexalin from a box - 1 pill
Inaprovaline - 15u

Sustains you for about 5 minutes

Works for suicides too on conventional /TG

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Re: Mad Doctor's Cookbook - "BruteHEAL", "BERZERK” and many others combat stims/combat healing medicines and similar rec

Post by Warnipple » 14 Jun 2016, 07:11

Hey, love your guide Voorhees.

Making multiple pills splits all the ingredients in the bottom half correct? Meaning if you make 10 pills then all the ingredients on the bottom half get split into 10 equal parts right? I've never seen this button before.
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Re: Mad Doctor's Cookbook - "BruteHEAL", "BERZERK” and many others combat stims/combat healing medicines and similar rec

Post by jaggaaff » 17 Jun 2016, 06:19

Derpislav wrote:Sugar doesn't regenerate blood, only nutriment does.
Doesn't sugar dissolve into nutriment? therefore regenerating blood anyway?

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Re: Mad Doctor's Cookbook - "BruteHEAL", "BERZERK” and many others combat stims/combat healing medicines and similar rec

Post by TangoThree » 29 Jul 2016, 09:05

Warnipple wrote:Hey, love your guide Voorhees.

Making multiple pills splits all the ingredients in the bottom half correct? Meaning if you make 10 pills then all the ingredients on the bottom half get split into 10 equal parts right? I've never seen this button before.
Presumably you've found this out by now, but just in case anyone is reading this and asking the same question: The "Make multiple pills" button does indeed evenly divide all of the chemicals in the machine's buffer (the bottom half of the list) across the pills - e.g. you can pillage the autoinjectors for Quick-Clot, shove 30u of it in a beaker with 60 Peridaxon, then hit "multiple pills" and use the default 10 to get ten 3u QC+6u Peri pills. Scoop 'em up with a pill bottle, shove the injectors back into the NanoMed to refill them, and give the pills to the Medics so they will love you forever. You can also load that 2:1 mix into a Hypospray; then you've got an instant 5u shot that will stabilise those poor bastards who've been shot 3 times in the lungs and dragged around with a broken chest.

Also, this pill:
5u Kelotane
10u Dermaline
10u Bicaridine
5u Dexalin Plus
5u Dylovene
5u Tricordrazine
5u Peridaxon
3u Quick-Clot
1u Hyperzine
1u Imidazolene
5u Oxycodone
5u Spaceacillin

Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin. It cures everything, supercharges you, and the side effects do indeed include heart attacks. Not sure about the whole turning gay and/or growing extra breasts things though. You'll only get five pills per 300u batch, but they are absurd. Optionally, grind a pill back into liquid (or make a bottle) and stick it in a metal flask for shorter, more controlled bursts that a Marine can stick on their helmet.

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